Pushpa 2: Icon star Allu Arjun and Sukumar's 'Pushpa-2' is running at record-breaking collections. Released on December 5, the film is collecting blockbuster collections not only in the Telugu states but also worldwide. Pushpa Raj, who entered the fray with a target of collecting a thousand crores, achieved that record in just nine days and is running towards two thousand crores.
It has been three weeks since the film was released. Even so, the collections are running decently without any drop anywhere. Worldwide, it has once again shown the stamina of Telugu cinema by collecting Rs. 1719.5 crores in 22 days. With these collections, Pushpa-2 has taken first place as the highest-grossing film of 2024. Pushpa is also getting remarkable collections overseas.
Pushpa, which has achieved break-even in the Telugu states, is on the path of profits. There are no other star hero films in the competition, Pushpa-2 ran with housefuls on the Christmas holiday. Today and tomorrow being weekends, and the same film also being on New Year's Day are the factors that combine. Pushpa's line is clear until Sankranthi. By then, it is very simple. Trade estimates that it has a chance to reach the Rs. 2000 crore mark.